The Nintendo Switch has arrived! Now that I've had the console for almost two weeks, I thought I'd share a few thoughts while I take a break from Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
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Special edition consoles and handhelds. Limited run games. Pre-order bonus figurines. Rare amiibo figures. The list of Nintendo offerings that are supply-constrained (usually artificially) could go on and on, ironically.
Since the early days of Mario sprinting from left to right on the NES, running has been a staple in a video games. And yet, each new generation of consoles brings with it more detailed and beautiful environments. So why, then, do game developers still insist on designing game systems around running past all this beauty as quickly as possible? How did we get here? And, more importantly, should we slow down?
IGN is reporting today that The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap, originally released for the Game Boy Advance is headed to the Wii U's virtual console. This is a special game for me because it was the first Zelda game that I played to completion, and it really hooked me on the franchise.