It's been over a month since Nintendo released Super Mario Maker, a game that lets you build your own Mario levels. In that time, I've been trying to find time to write a review of it, but it's taken me this long because I can't stop playing this game. It's captured my imagination in a way that probably no other game has before, and it's finally Wii U's "killer app" to show why its tablet-meets-gamepad controller lets players do things no other console can offer.
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I'll admit it: I'm a fan of the 1992 film, Bram Stoker's Dracula.
Most people pan the film for Keanu Reeves' admittedly wooden acting (fair), but I love Gary Oldman's portrayal of the iconic vampire and the generally spooky feel of the film. Plus, it really does capture the Bram Stoker novel better than any other adaptation. So, when I saw a copy of the Super Nintendo (SNES) game at my local used game shop, it was inevitably going home with me.
Keep reading to find out if it stands the test of time.
E3's a ton of fun, but it's all all about what's new and upcoming. Let's take a break and reminisce on some retro gaming goodness. After recently locating my old SNES cartridge of NBA Jam, it was pretty obvious that I'd need to try it out. I've never been a huge sports fan, but I have very fond memories of this game's outrageous take on basketball action. Boom shakalaka!
In my first Mario Kart May post, I revisit Super Mario Kart on SNES, the breakout game that gave birth to the Kart Racing genre. I explore its use of Mode 7 graphics, items, characters, and multiplayer modes and catalog a few of the ways in which it changed the racing genre forever. A seminal game on the SNES and in Nintendo's history, it shaped the 16-bit generation in remarkable ways. Read the full post for the whole story!
Later this month on May 30, Mario Kart 8 releases on Wii U. This is a major deal, folks. For the rest of May, leading up to the launch of Mario Kart 8, I plan on writing retrospectives on each of the Nintendo home and portable console releases of Mario Kart. Bookmark this post for links to each of the articles as they release throughout the month!
Join me on a tour of Disney's 1994 The Lion King game for SNES as the game celebrates its 20 year anniversary! This is a lengthy review of as much of the game as I could reasonably play with lots of photos to satisfy that nostalgia itch. Read on!