Well, you can file this one under "annoying announcements." At Gamescom today, Microsoft announced that 2015's Rise of the Tomb Raider will be an Xbox exclusive, at least "for holiday 2015."
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By all rights, I shouldn't like Destiny. I was never able to get into Bungie's wildly-popular Halo series, I don't typically like playing online games, and MMOs have never been my thing. So, when the PlayStation E3 press conference opened this year with a huge Destiny push for PS4, including a playable Alpha, I was only vaguely interested. t turns out I really like what I've played so far. Why? Read on to find out.
My thoughts on Sony's PlayStation E3 2014 Press Conference! This is basically a chronological recounting of my reactions to each major (and minor) announcement of Sony's event.
It's E3 Week, everyone! Make sure all your consoles are updated and ready to stream all of the official E3 goodness straight to your TV. Microsoft and Sony have both prepared special live streaming apps, while Nintendo will likely use the eShop's video streaming ability along with a special Miiverse community for E3 announcements. Get yourself (and your consoles) prepared!
SPOILER ALERT! Before you read any further, be aware that this post covers spoilers for Season 2, Episode 3 of Telltale Games' The Walking Dead game series, "In Harm's Way." If you've played to this point, then read on. Otherwise, go download them now (they're all awesome!) and come back when you're done.
Memorial Day weekend this year found me catching up on 2013's BioShock Infinite. Columbia City, the game's setting, has a visual aesthetic oozes patriotic fervor, so I wanted to share a few pictures I snapped of the quieter moments in Infinite that really capture the turn-of-the-century Americana that creator Ken Levine's team captured so well and share my thoughts on why the game presents a uniquely-realized world for players to explore.
E3 2014 is less than three weeks away. That's...well, it's kind of crazy. I wanted to take a little time to ruminate on the upcoming conference, what with its megaton announcements, awkward executives giving speeches, and the inevitable week-before leaks. It's a special time of year for gamers to pull together and get really excited about their hobby. Here are a few things I'm looking forward to from each of the big players.
SPOILER ALERT! Before you read any further, be aware that this post covers spoilers for Season One, 500 Days, and Season Two (Episodes One & Two) of Telltale's The Walking Dead game series. If you've played them, then read on. Otherwise, go download them now (they're all awesome!) and come back when you're done--but know that my verdict on these episodes is absolutely positive!
One of the PlayStation 4's first-announced indie games, Octodad: Dadliest Catch, launched this week. Octodad first appeared as a title slated to appear on Sony's newest console during its E3 press conference as part of an eight-game indie showcase. Although it released on PC in January earlier this year, PS4 is the only console to host this uniquely strange game. Check out my full review to see if it's earned a spot in your PS4's library.
Oculus Rift founder Palmer Luckey has some pretty interesting thoughts on virtual reality in the video below (from Maximum PC magazine). That makes sense, since his product (now owned by Facebook), has quite literally been the jumping off point for a major movement toward VR. Head over to the full post to watch the video and read my reactions.
Sony's back with another awesome "Flash Sale" on the PlayStation Store with 30 games all priced at the unbelievable 99 cent price point! It's this weekend only, so don't miss out. Check out the full post for some of the games I purchased!
I've been struggling to reconcile a love/hate relationship with Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker as I play through the PSP game for the first time on my Vita. Read the full post to learn what's bugging me about Big Boss' most portable outing to date.
What is the original inFamous like for someone playing it for the first time in 2014? I spend some time sharing my take on the original predecessor to PS4's latest exclusive, inFamous: Second Son. Check out the full post for more!